What the Small Company Owner Should Know About Dead Printers

DOX, dox@sdf.org
20120722, v1.01

About the Dead Printer

From time to time I walk into a business or warehouse that has an antiquated network that has a problem. This only follows reason since the company would not call me if there was no problem.

I am sometimes surprised to find that the network is still running DOS 6.1 and Novell Net Ware. The big problem is that the printer finally quite working and the owner can not find a compatible printer and or cannot fix the one that he has.

What now?

The usual logic is that you have to go get the latest expensive printer and up grade your systems to the latest micro-soft software which usually means that you have to upgrade your main application if the company that wrote it is still and business and still make this application. This will probably cost you at least $1,500.00 Of course none of your old computers will run the last OS so you have to buy 5 new workstations and a server. New network wiring, or wireless and the list goes on and on.

Already well over $6,000,00 and that do not include any installation or network infrastructure.

Are their other options?

Yes there are but none that anyone will tell you about because they do not make any money if you chose one of those options. Lets examine the problem closer.