SP-2013-0437C BP 2014-135400BP

Thur April 27, 2017

called Taylor Horton at 512-974-1218, left him a measage that I had writen a letter to code enforcement and had not heard anyting. I also mention that I had spoken with thim a few weeks earlier and they had told me to call APD or the building managment.

Tuesday March 14, 2017

Sent the following:

David Kresta,
Dale McConnel,
Bailey Elliot,
Taylor Horton,
Jim A Little
11947 SUNHILLOW BND UNIT B, Austin Texas 78758 Subject: Noise Light and Privacy, SP-2013-0437C BP 2014-135400BP 20170314


As discussed the day after Christmas (2016 12 26) during our conversation, the sound coming out of the new garage is problematic. Living in my house is now like living at the mouth of a tunnel. Although your people seem to be taking good care not to let alarms ring for thirty seconds, 1) the ring back on setting the cars alarms 2) using the ring back as a vehicle locater instead of using a locater list and 3) the hanking (which I assume to be for safety reasons) on residential side of the garage is extremely loud. As mentioned, I could not finish a telephone conversation while on my Patio until the vehicle coming down had cleared the garage and finished honking. (By the way the latter situation has improved).

The other very laud noise is the pressure washer your people use when cleaning cars. This is extremely and disruptive when my wife and I are in the back yard.

Furthermore, sometimes individuals meat on the second floor for discussions. Although they seem to be conscious of this and do not linger long their voices carry.

Furthermore, when people meet on the upper floors they have a great view of my once private back yard and bed room.

Finally, there is a great deal of light coming out of your garage during hours of darkness.

I have requested that you put lovers on the garage on the side facing residential. Also, I have appealed to the city to make you put lovers on your garage. The city of Houston use to require this when a multi story building was built next to residential. Such action, limited the noise, preserved the privacy and limited the light emissions. However, according to the city of Austin, by leaving a 25 foot landscaped green space from the property line to the building, means that you have lived up to the bulk of your compatibility obligations.

I am requesting from Maund and will request from the city addition of trees in the 25 foot compatibility set back between our mutual property line and the side of your garage. Since the city has already denied lovers on the windows on this side of the garage maybe they will consent to modification to the landscape plan.

Such addition should help with the compatibility of a zoning mismatch. This modification should be a minimal of cost for Charles Maund VW and offer some relief from the noise coming out of your new garage. Furthermore, if such trees are evergreen (such as Ligustrums) they should reduce the amount light coming out of the structure year round and help return some of my valued privacy.

Your consideration to this request would be greatly appreciated. I would applicate a response to this request.

Please respond to this email. Note, I did request this a few months ago and received no reply.


Denis Oxford
Owner 6817 and 6819 Daugherty
Hard Copy sent to The City of Austin, Charles Maund VW 6900 Burnet and Jim Little.

Monday March 13, 2017

Recieved a call from Taylor Horton at 512-974-1218 email

said he was going to try and help me with tree problem If I send him info about the building permit and site plan

Dear Mr Horton,

Thank you for your phone call. As you might guess I have been a little frustrated with how this project (virtually in my back yard) is proceeding. From my distorted view point it seems that the owners of that building are pushing some of the cost they can onto the neighbors and neighborhood.

Charles Muand did have one of there representatives stop by and ask how I felt about them putting a parking garage next door. I believe my response was "I would not like it but it is your property and there is nothing I can do about it." Essentially, I told them they could put that building their. That is the only official input I had on this project. I did consider privacy but I did not think to consider light and noise. Now that they have a TCO, the light coming out is bright and the noise is problematic. The beeps from the alarms and what ever kind of pump they use to clean those vehicles are loud.

I have ask Muand and the City to have louvers installed to preserve my privacy and they would have limited the light and sound. However, that requirement is not within the city code.

Now I am asking that Maund plant and maintain a row of evergreen trees in the 25 foot compatibility setback between my fence and their building. Their engineer has already told that we not going to happen. Further more, a Maund representatives told me that they plan on parking cars in that 25 foot set back although I have been told by the former city project manager, Brad Jackson, that that would be illegal.

I am forwarding this request to you.

Sorry I made you read all that to get to this. SP-2013-0437C BP 2014-135400BP


Denis Oxford
owner 6819 and 6817 Daugherty

Friday March 10, 2017

got a return cal from Aca Philups. In her measage she said that she could not help me unless the site plan was under review. When I called her back at 14:30 she said that she was going out of town until March 20 talk to Sue Barnet 512-974-2711.

approved site plan SP-2008-0424C

(JAMES A LITTLE) 11947 SUNHILLOW BND UNIT B, Austin Texas 78758

Friday March 3, 2017 permit lookup

BP 2014-135400BP

Met at Neiberhood Meeting

Keven Smith W 512-974-3586 C 512-791-6064

City Watershed protection employees

City District 7 Employees

20170214 Tuesday Flooding

Sent email to Maund and Watershed Protection

====email follows====

David Kresta,
Dale McConnel,
Bailey Elliot,
Jim Little Engineer (contact information unknown)
Lesniak, Chuck 
Michael Gaudini, District 7 Policy advisor

Denis Oxford
6819 Daugherty
Austin, Texas  78757


Re: Open Letter to Charles Maund VW, the City and Neighborhood Requesting Replacement of Buried Drain

Ladies or Gentlemen,

From casual observations (I am not a hydrologist) it appears that Charles Maund VW may have built it's garage on a wet weather spring.  I say this because the garage floods after a heavy rain.  My uneducated guess is that water proofing and bulkheads are NOT going to help the situation.  The water will seep into the garage out of the crack in the concrete for 1 to 3 days after such a rain, just like it is seeps out of the cracks in my drive way after such an event.

The main reason this concerns me is because all of the water pumped out of that project goes onto the street by my driveway and across the street beside my house.  This is an inconvenience to me and I assume a source of many complaints to Maund VW.  Furthermore, there is the possibility that eventually this water may end up in some future retention pond on my back fence.  Needless to say, this would concern me even more.  Any such pond would be the source of mesquites (a public health hazard do to Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases) and a source of visits from a multitude of wild life some of which would probably try and set up residence in my back yard.

When Charles Maund VW took possession of that property there was a one foot drain pipe at the point of confluence that carried the water off that lot under Pegram directly to a culvert (the culvert) that runs under the Maund parking lot in the 6900 block of Burnet.  During construction that drain was filled up and buried.  When I noticed the entrance of that pipe had been buried, I confronted the contractor and he promised me that that capacity would be replaced.  To date, that capacity has not been replaced.  If Maund VW could use that pipe now they could pump water directly under Pegrum to the culvert.  It would not run down the street for a day and a half after each heavy rain and there would be no chance that it would end up in any future retention pond by my back fence.

The culvert in question drains into Shoal Creek and almost always has running water.  Water going there would not be notice, furthermore there would be no water on the street, no complaints, less possibility of Mosquito-borne disease and no possible future retention pound on my back fence.

To me (I am not an engineer) the best and cheapest way to handle this problem would be to dig a sump in the lowest part of the garage and put a bilge pump that activated when the sump fills up.  Then Maund could pump the water out as it seeped in.  The water would then go into the one foot drain (that needs to be dug up or replaced) under Pegrum to the culvert and no one will be the worse off.  Unfortunately, the lower floor of the garage will be wet for a few days after a rain but at least it would not be flooded.

Unless there was some kind of disconnect between Maund VW and the garage designers, or a purposeful intent to hide the drain, The city should have caught the fact that there was an existing drain buried during the construction.  Especially, in light of the well documented fact that it has been pointed out to them more than once.  Therefore, the city may be partially at fault for this over sight.  I am going to write water protection (or what ever they are call these days) and the district 7 counsel person and ask that they put back (or help put back) the missing drain. 

With all this in mind, I am urging the city of Austin to either put back the 1 foot drain or help Maund VW put back the 1 foot drain under Pegram that was buried during the construction of the garage in the 6800 block of Burnet.  This is important because such a drain would stop or greatly reduce the vial repercussions enumerated above.

If you have any question I can be reached at the above address or at


D Oxford
owner 6819 Daugherty

---Email Ends---

City counsle person:

20161207 Wed

spoke with Lynda Van Soest at 512-074-2347. Said that she did not know about code. If i had a nois complaint call (someone else) APD. Said that project has alot of change orders on it.

She recommended calling DSD back and seeing what they have to say.

20161128 Monday

called 311 filed noise compaint on the Maund Guarage with Jose. He gave me a service number of 310806 and ask that I call back in 5 days if I have not heard anything.

contacted Jesica, receptionist at the Development Assistance Center (512-974-6370). She claimed I had to file a complaint and then refered me to a lady in environmenal. Did not capture the name.

20161123 Wednesday tryied to contact the Development Assistance Center about 13:30

20160926 Monday, spoke with Mr Marrio Garcia. Said that he would talk to there supervisor about the fence but tha the fence had to be added before they got their certificate of deposit. He did say that he could do nothing about the trees in the 25 foot set back if it was already designated in the site plan. There was an other number to call about changing site plane that number was 512-974-6370.

20160921 Tod Wilcox called me and told me that I am entitled to the fence but that I had to talk to one Mr Marrio Garcia, head of the development environmental department. I contacted mr Garcia at 512-974-9244 (possibly 512-974-2278) and have not recieved a call back.

compatability code

If you look at Austin, TX Code of Ordinances , Article 10. - Comparability Standards, § 25-2-1066 - SCREENING REQUIREMENTS. You will see that :

(A) A person constructing a building shall screen each area on a property that is used for afollowing activity from the view of adjacent property that is in an urban residence (SF-5) or more restrictive zoning district:

(1) off-street parking;

(2) the placement of mechanical equipment;

(3) storage; or

(4) refuse collection.

My properties are FS-2 and the whole building that Maund built is an “off-street parking;” garage and a “Storage;” aria for cars and should be screened. Obviously, that is not feasible to screen a whole 50' building so the parking arias should be screened where I can not see in and they can not see out. Please make the City of Austin do it's job and insure that Maund companies comply with this standard!

Denis Oxford



Owner of the properties at 6819 and 1817 Daugherty

Interested Party


went to the site and spoke with Jim Little (architec) and Baily. Showed them the fanece. They both siad they did not change the site plan. They said there we not going to be any drain and not going to be any trees in the 25 foot set back. Jim Little was very uncoperative and mumble alot of cuss words.

shading requirment

20160321, also contacted code enforcement about 6 foot screening fence. got number 63516 they will get back with me in 3 days.

From: Lynda Courtney

What sheet number is that approved plan? I don't find anything that has been changed to show any parking and the garage is clearly shown as "vehicle storage". The site plan is sheet 5 in the plan set, and that has only been changed to show some drainage improvements. If they use the garage for anything other than what it is permitted for, please call Code Compliance (311) and have them stop the illegal use.

Lynda J. Courtney

Phone (512) 974-2810 ; (512) 775-5191 cell
Development Services Process Coordinator
COA Development Services Department
Creative. Sustainable. Responsible. Land Development.


2016 03 21

Lynda Courtney,

David(Tiny) Kresta
Bailey Elliot
Dale McConnell

Ms Courtney,

I spoke with you a couple of weeks about about the Maund Garage on Burnet near Justin. I would like your input on a problem that I have with the current construction.

I am in possession of an approved site plan that plainly shows that Charles Maund had planed off street parking for large truck on the Burnet side of the new garage. This off street parking was there so the large trucks and wreckers could unload vehicles with out turning onto Pegram and thus obstructing traffic by the drive way of my house.

Now I find that that “off street parking” is not included in the plans. I was not notified of any changes to the sight plan and I am an interested party. This will have a direct effect on me because truck and wreckers will most likely continuing unloading vehicles along Pegram.

What happened to the off street parking that was on the original sight plan for this project? Is there a way to get that off street parking put back and made a requirement?

Denis Oxford
6819 Daugherty
Austin Texas 78757

From Denis Oxforfd

Lynda Courtney, thank you for your time this morning.

I expressed my concern about two items. 1) Lovers in the window preserving my privacy and stopping excess light. 2) the inclusion of a lot of pluming that I had not noticed on the original plan.

Lynda, my understanding is that there was a modification made to the plans on December 15th 2015. Furthermore, it is no ones obligation to notify any of the interested parties of any changes to the site plan. I also understand the following the improvement were just to the fire water line and some wast water drainage:

Other understandings

There is also some discussion about fencing but since I am looking at a 43 foot building that is irrelevant.

I do feel that attitude is a bit negligent especially since a certificate of occupancy has not been given for this project but I do thank you for taking the time to talk with me.

I would like to get the name of your supervisor. Please send it to this email.


Denis Oxford
owner 6819 and 6817 Daughert

field notes

talk to Lynda Courtney,, phone 512-974-2810. My understanding is that Maund modified the plans on Dec 15, 2015. The modification were to the Fire line and some Dranage.

I expressed my concern about two object. 1) Lovers in the window to preserve my privacy 2) ask bout a paint booth.

Lynda indecate that there was supose to be a 6 foot privacy fence and mentioned that I could put decrative fenceing, 25% filled up indefinatly. I do not belive she understood this was a parking gurage

Indicated that it might be possible to force luovers if light was an issue.

Indicated they could put a paint booth, that it was not industrial

the 25 foot set back is perminat and can not be used for anything but possible pedestrian ingress and egress.

Lynda said she was not longer reponsible for this project, I had to call 311 to get building inspection or code enforcement.

Lynda, could I please have the email of your supervisor.

I ask if she worked with anyone in those departments, she said no, there are 14K peopel that work for the city. I replied, none of them work they all just tell you to call someone else.

Responce to lover letters 20151130

RE: Maund Garage SP 2013-0437C, 6800 Block of Burnet Rd Austin, Texas

Letter to Maund for Louvers

Leslie Pool email: Any Smith, Lesli Pools' Chief of Staff: Rodney Gonzales, Director Development:

20150923 responts to the email below

Dear Mr Bogard, Thank you for responding to Brads Email Not sure you understood the situation. The short story is: I live in the residential property At 6819 Daugherty right behind this project. I understand the compatibility standard requires a 25 foot landscaped set back from my property line the the wall of the structure. According to your email, I understand that there needs to be grass in this setback 90 days after a certificate of occupancy is issued In light of previous discussion with the Maund Company and the problems Volkswagen Automobile Manufacturer is having I have to consider the possibility that there may be future problems distributing Volkswagen or other circumstances that may lead the current owner or future owner of the garage to conclude that it is acceptable of using the 25 foot comparability setback for other purposes than which it was intended. I want a written assurance from the city of Austin that this 25 foot setback will be landscaped and will not be used for any purpose other than which it was created. Can you give me such written assurance? D Oxford 6819 Daugherty Interested Party 512-964-4787

20150908 Email from Mr Bogard

Subject RE: Charles Maund Site Plan, SP-2013-0437C, 6840 Burnet Rd. From Bogard, MichaelAdd contact To Jackson, BradAdd contact, doxford@universalnetmail.comAdd contact Cc Chapman, DavidAdd contact Date 2015-09-08 10:55 Good morning Brad, thank you for including me in the email. I am also including my supervisor David Chapman in my reply. The Limits of Construction for this site are property line to property line. The majority of his site was covered in concrete plus some asphalt and a building. All previous improvements have been removed and the current improvements are still below grade. The setback area is disturbed due to demo and the need for staging/construction, and I did not note any prohibition on plan. Before the completion of the project and Certificate of Occupancy, the setback area adjacent to the single family homes is to be graded to drain ,top soil added per plans and vegetation ( grass ) established within 90 days. The north end adjacent to Pegram street is to have plantings to serve as a vegetated filter area for storm water runoff. As of last months required site visit the project is active and compliant. Please let me know if I may answer any questions or concerns. Thank you, Michael Bogard CPESC #4650, CESSWI #0377 Certified Arborist TX-3191AM Environmental Inspector Senior City of Austin, Development Services Department Phone (512) 974-2403 Pager (512) 802-7421 Fax (512) 974-6451 Email: _____________________________________________ From: Jackson, Brad Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 10:00 AM To: Cc: Bogard, Michael Subject: Charles Maund Site Plan, SP-2013-0437C, 6840 Burnet Rd. Hi Dennis Oxford, I received your voicemail about the improvements in the 25’ compatibility setback and I looked up the site plan to see if there were any corrections done for anything in the setback. There is nothing shown on the site plan to be constructed in the setback except for some erosion controls (Filter Dike). The staging and spoils areas are outside of the 25’ compatibility setback, so if they try to store anything or dump any spoils in that setback, then they would be in violation of their site plan and you need to alert the EV Inspector, Michael Bogard, 512-974-2403. I have CC’d him in this email as well. << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> Brad Jackson Senior Planner Land Use Review, City of Austin (512) 974-3410

20150904 Email

  Subject Charles Maund Site Plan, SP-2013-0437C, 6840 Burnet Rd.
  From Jackson, Brad
  Cc Bogard, Michael
  Date 2015-09-04 10:59

Hi Dennis Oxford,
I received your voicemail about the improvements in the 25’ compatibility setback and I looked up the site plan to see if there were any corrections done for anything in the setback.  There is nothing shown on the site plan to be constructed in the setback except for some erosion controls (Filter Dike).  The staging and spoils areas are outside of the 25’ compatibility setback, so if they try to store anything or dump any spoils in that setback, then they would be in violation of their site plan and you need to alert the EV Inspector, Michael Bogard, 512-974-2403.  I have CC’d him in this email as well. 
Brad Jackson
Senior Planner
Land Use Review, City of Austin
(512) 974-3410

20150902 Tuesday

at about 8:30 I looked over the fence and saw them workers cleaning up the mess on the corner of the project by the house. The worker said they were going to put something there. That is supose to be a green belt

Cal Mr Rezendez 512-9712-0252.

20150812 Wednesday

Got a responce fropm one Isaiah Lewallen. Markus A Roby had contacted her about my request for information on street markings. Email is as follows:


  Subject RE: Street marking at 2400 block of Pegram
  From Lewallen, IsaiahAdd contact
  To doxford@universalnetmail.comAdd contact
  Date Wed 17:10

Dear D Oxford

I review most requests for right-of-way utility Excavation permits.  I queried all permit records for Pegram Ave 2400-2419.  My request returned (3) records involving utility excavation for water, electric and telecommunications facilities.  No records indicated "utility boxes."  I hope this is helpful.


Isaiah Lewallen
Permit and License Review Analyst
Austin Transportation Department
Right-of-Way Management Division

Austin Transportation Department is now located at 3701 Lake Austin Blvd 78703 (LCRA Jack Miller Building, south side of the road at Tom Miller Dam).  The Special Events division remains at One Texas Center.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sedghy, Reza 
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 2:41 PM
To: Lewallen, Isaiah
Subject: FW: Street marking at 2400 block of Pegram

Please help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roby, Markus A 
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 4:05 PM
Cc: Sedghy, Reza
Subject: FW: Street marking at 2400 block of Pegram

Dear D Oxford,

I'm not sure how you were referred to me, but I can assure you that I am no longer capable of answering this type of question.

I'm passing your inquiry on to a former colleague, Reza Sedghy, who is involved with the coordination of new utility infrastructure on behalf of the City of Austin, and may have an answer for you.


Can you assist with this citizen's inquiry?

Many thanks.


20150810 Monday

Guessing that this is At&t Wanting to use my property. I have tryied to make contact with the city right-of-way perons. "". 512-974-7143.

20150807 Friday

Finally spoke with mr Resendez, he said they have not degermined the extend of the work to be done. I did ask him for and email address, it is: "".

Sent an email with long explination of why I think companies should compensate me for using my land.

I also started working to see who was marking the street.

20150806 Thursday

called Brad Jackson for a number of his boss.


Call Mr Rezendez. 512-972-0252. Left meassage.


Noticed that street was marked up with one of the marking being on my proptery.


Call Mr Rezendez. 512-972-0252. Left meassage he did not call back.

20150724 Friday

spoke with Brad. He suggested that I talk to Austin Water Utility. He gave me the name of the "Austin Water Utility Review"er.

Neil Kepple 512 972 0077

I looked on the site planning and found Howard Neil Kepple at 512-974-3003.

Called Niel Kepple at the 0077 number and he answered the phone.

He said that if there was a change in the plans that Maund would have to resubmint

He said the actal review was George Rezendez and that I should contact him at 512-972-0252.

Saw the builder Bailey Elliott next door before I could talk to the city. He said that the city was requring him to put in about 130 feet of 8' fire line. He calimed that he was not going to be digging up our yard. He said that to move the power under ground was $80K and that the new water line would cost $30K. He also confirmed that he had been working with George Rezendez on this issue.

20150720 Monday

emailed Brad Jackson about this project to see if I can get info about the water line and see if putting a sidewalk would be possible.


Last week Tiny told me that they were checking to see if they had to rebarry a water line. I am going to call Brad Jacksond to see what the situation is.


I have been told by one of my neighbors that many of my neighbors are speaking (complaining) to you on my behalf. For the record, no one is authorized to speak on my behalf. If this is happening please gently remind my overly caring neighbors of this fact. Refer them to me if there is a problem.
I do wish to speak with Bailey about the 2' berms and drainage flow on the property around here. Please call or come by Bailey.

20141201 Talk with enviro

Talked with a Rebeca at city enviromental 512-974-2278

She informed me that my inspector was Mickle Bogart
desk 512 974-2403
digital pager 512-872-7420
left message saying I wanted to meet him.

20141126 Talk with Brad Jackson

did talk with Mr Jackson on 20141116 about 13:00.

Recommended that I call the city enviro inspection If I saw something wrong.

Environmental number is 512-974-2278. (who is assigned to that project?)

Need to check out building permit Ken Clouth is the guy with this project. The Project is under 6840 burnet.

Contact with city Environmental

20141117, called and left measage

Two emails, Second


Denis Oxford
6819 Daugherty
Austin, Texas  78757

Kristin S. Carlton
Environmental Review Specialist Senior

Dear Ms Carlton,

I came to see you a few weeks ago.  The following week I wrote you an email and requested the following information:

1.  What part of the city code specifies the so called "compatibility"?

2.  Will Maund be able to legally park cars in that 25 foot compatibility set back?

You never responded to me.  Is there some sort of problem?  I still await your answer to the above listed question.  If there is some sort of policy that prevents you from answering question I need to know about it.

Happy All Hollowed Eve.

Denis Oxford

Tax Payer,
6819 Daugherty Street
Austin Texas

first 2014-10-21:

Denis Oxford
6819 Daugherty
Austin, Texas  78757

Kristin S. Carlton
Environmental Review Specialist Senior

Dear Ms Carlton,

I came to your office last Friday only concerning project SP-2013-0437C.
Because there are descrepencies in what I have been told was proposed
and what shows up on the final plans.  I was interested in getting a
copy of what landscaping was proposed and seeing if it was different
than what was approved.

You were unable to help me in that endeavor.


This project has been forced on me.  Because Maund meet "the
compatibility standards", I did not have any official input on this
project.  The input I offered was ignored by the city all together.
The only thing I ask for was louvers on the windows and roof so people
in the garage would not have a birds eye view of my bedroom.  Needless
to say, the city told me I had to negotiate with the developer and the
developer said that city restriction had already cost them to much
money and they did not have to comply.

My house is zoned Single Family 2 and Maunds property is commercial.
I have the second most restrictive zoning in the city and Maund has
the second least restrictive zoning.  Yet the city could not find a
way to have them shade their windows and roof to preserve my privacy?

I grow up in and around Houston in the 60s and 70s.  Houston did not
even have zoning regulation until the 90s but when someone built a
project next to a property that was used as residential they still had
to preserve the neighbors privacy.  Yet the city of Austin, inline
with there so called compatibly standards, can tell me to go negotiate
with the developer for the privacy in my own SF2 zoned home!

Now that I have vented I want to clarify some thing you told me
Friday.  You stated that plans on your computer show a six foot
privacy fence between my property and Maunds property.  The situation
on the ground is that 6817 has no privacy fence.

The fact is your plans or incorrect!


That is OK, The current situation is fine with me but I am not waving
the requirement to put landscaping.

I have the following questions:

1.  What part of the city code specifies the so called "compatibility"?

2.  Will Maund be able to legally park cars in that 25 foot compatibility
set back?

I await your response.

Denis Oxford

Tax Payer,
6819 Daugherty Street
Austin Texas

Important Emails

impurtant numbers

20140801 Next Move

Next I need to:

  1. Go to the city and look at the latest plans
  2. Get the architects and contact him about the window coverings and shadings
  3. Write, letter or email to Dale and Mound about putting shading on the garage.

Interested Parties

The Interview

Did an interview with Time Warrner News 20140826 about 12:30. Results remain to be seen. I did see an article about it on the "Time Warrner News". Some friends told me I was on TV a few days latter. I did not see the clip.

I did email Dale McConnel and ask him if he wanted to go in half on a fence

McConnold will look at the fence on Sat and discuss it Monday.

McCannold ducked out by saying he did not know anything about the building. The following is the email with which I responded:


Your architect has already told the city that there is a fence there
(referring to my 8 foot fence).  Unless someone insist on a fence being
put there, you will not need a fence.  If some one insist then the site
plan will have to include at bare minimal at a 6 foot wooden fence.

I have ask the city to look at enforcing that, but i feel sure they
would drop it if I insisted.

I just as soon put a fence up before construction so I have a little say
so on where it goes.  If I can get your help you would probably not need
the 6 foot fence.

I probably need to get started because your team may be able to clean up
any deficiencies in the site plan after the hearing on the 2nd of

Please let me know if you are in.


On 2014-08-26 17:51, Dale McConnell wrote:

Dennis, I was waiting to see the plans that may include a fence?

-----Original Message----- From:
[] Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014
3:48 PM To: Dale McConnell Subject: Fence Dale, did you get a look at
that fence last week and would you (Mound Inc) be interested in going in
on half. By the way, Time Warner news was by here today interviewing
people about the garage. I told them "my wife and I do not care if you
build it" we would like you to put lovers or some mechanism to preserve
the privacy of my back yard. Maybe I will be on TV this evening? Denis
Oxford Neighbor at 6819 Daugherty 512 964 4787

Message 1 of 1185


City of Austin enviro (i think) Jason Redfern 512-974-7265
email jason.redfern@austintexas.gove

Mark Baker Dranage. 974-6356 Coa WPD

20141023 update of last couple of weeks

I did talk to David (tiny) and the builder last week between the 15th and the 17th. They got me to commit to letting them not put a fence there which I stupidly did. Then when I talked to brad jackson Friday the 17th he said the plans that were posted were not the same plans that he had submitted. I thought that we shity. I did write David and the bilder and tell them that I did feel a little cheated.

I also got padro to come out and start building a new fence on the property line. He suggested that he should move the old fence to the property line which he is panning to do.

I did email David and the builder and let them know my plans. further more I email on lady at the city and told her that I felt cheated by the whole "compatibility" process.

I had planned to verify this whole fence thing with the city but I think I will let that ride at this point

Compatability Code

If you look at Austin, TX Code of Ordinances , Article 10. - Comparability Standards, § 25-2-1066 - SCREENING REQUIREMENTS. You will see that :

(A) A person constructing a building shall screen each area on a property that is used for afollowing activity from the view of adjacent property that is in an urban residence (SF-5) or more restrictive zoning district:

(1) off-street parking;

(2) the placement of mechanical equipment;

(3) storage; or

(4) refuse collection.

My properties are FS-2 and the whole building that Maund built is an “off-street parking;” garage and a “Storage;” aria for cars and should be screened. Obviously, that is not feasible to screen a whole 50' building so the parking arias should be screened where I can not see in and they can not see out. Please make the City of Austin do it's job and insure that Maund companies comply with this standard!


(A) This section applies to a site that has:

(1) an area that exceeds 20,000 square feet; or

(2)  a street frontage that exceeds 100 feet.

(B)  In this section, the term "structure" excludes a rain garden using no concrete that is designed in accordance with the Environmental Criteria Manual. A person may not construct a structure 25 feet or less from property:

(1)  in an urban family residence (SF-5) or more restrictive zoning district; or

(2)  on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located.

(C)  The height limitations for a structure are:

(1)  two stories and 30 feet, if the structure is 50 feet or less from property:

(a)  in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district; or

(b)  on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located; or

(2)  three stories and 40 feet, if the structure is more than 50 feet and not more than 100 feet from property:

(a)  in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district; or

(b)  on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located;

(3)for a structure more than 100 feet but not more than 300 feet from property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive; or

(4) for a structure more than 300 feet but not more than 540 feet from property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, 60 feet plus one foot for each four feet of distance in excess of 300 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive.

Source: Section 13-2-734; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 000309-39; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20060216-043; Ord. 20060309-058; Ord. 20060622-022; Ord. 20060928-022; Ord. 20131017-046. 

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